Photo Expert Diploma Online
Institut: LIK Akademie für Foto und DesignBereich: Kunst, Design, Gestaltung
Seminarart: Weiterbildung/Spezialisierung
A comprehensive Course in Digital Photography and Photo Editing
Photo Expert Diploma
Join our digital photography and photo editing course that's all about having fun with fellow creatives! You'll learn to take amazing photos, from cool street shots to beautiful portraits, to striking pictures of impressive buildings and products. We'll teach you cool photo tricks so you can impress your friends, no matter what camera you use.
Our program will take you through the entire photographic process, combining hands-on shooting with the magic of post-production. You'll master the art of telling visual stories and learn the secrets to polishing them to perfection with Adobe's powerful editing tools. It's a perfect blend of technique and artistry.
Our expert team at the LIK Academy for Photography and Design is here to help you. Check it out now and sign up for this comprehensive course in Vienna or Competa, or Online, available in March or September!
This training is flexible, offering weekend and weekday options. You get to choose your attendance schedule based on your needs. Opt for the approach that works best for you and focus on your success.
Target Audience: Enthusiastic hobbyists, aspiring professional photographers, and working photographers looking to systematize and expand their knowledge and skills.
Course Duration: 2 semesters / 6 days per semester.
Class Schedule: Weekday Group - 9 am to 13:00 pm, Weekend Group - 10 am to 14:00 pm.
Time Commitment for Digital Photography and Digital Photo Editing Course - 592 teaching units:
Mandatory Classes - 96 units
Image Reviews, Extra Classes - 88 units
Independent Projects, Practice, Homework - 320 units
Exam Preparation - 88 units
Course Objectives: A comprehensive course that provides a complete photographic education rounded out with the mastery of photo editing. This all-encompassing program is crafted to guide you through the full spectrum of the photographic process. The curriculum is designed to equip you with a potent mix of technical skills and creative insights, setting you on a path to become a versatile photographer ready to excel in the dynamic world of professional photography.
Your Benefits:
Discover the Joy of Photography: Unlock the pleasure of capturing life’s moments with skill and passion.
Achieve Photographic Excellence: With practice and guidance, you'll elevate your work to new artistic and professional heights.
Learn from the Best: Our dedicated teaching team of the LIK Academy are not just instructors, they’re active professionals who bring real-world insights to the classroom.
Build Your Network: Join the LIK community, a network of fellow photography enthusiasts and professionals who share your passion and can be valuable connections for your future.
Create Your Portfolio: Assemble a collection of your best work, showcasing your unique vision and skill set.
Earn Your Diploma: Complete the course and receive a recognized photography diploma that validates your skills and opens doors to new opportunities.
Prerequisites: You should be highly committed to attending classes and solving independent tasks outside of the course hours. Basic camera and computer knowledge is required.
Course Content for Digital Photography Program:
Camera Technology
Image Design
Image Analysis
Classic Portraits
Architecture Photography
Form and Color
Flash Techniques
Product and Advertising Photography
Beauty Portraiture
Character Portraiture
Copyright and Intellectual Property
Reportage and Street Photography
Cover and Fashion Photography
On-Location Portraiture
Photo Experimentation
Course Content for Digital Photo Editing Course:
Image Editing
Editing Workflow
Workflow Optimisation
Photo Management
RAW Development
Image Output
Automation: Presets, Actions, etc.
Color Management
Black&White Conversion
Portrait Retouching
High-End Beauty Retouching
Print Preparation
Title Cover Design
Creative Tools
AI Tools
Editing Applications:
Adobe Lightroom Classic
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Bridge
Adobe Photoshop
Course Overview:
The first semester establishes the foundation for a solid professional education. Learning and understanding photography is the starting point for creative work. From capturing images to sequencing and conceptual work, the program imparts perfect know-how, eliminating uncertainties and "trial and error" approaches. It's during this period that the first part of your personal portfolio is developed.
The mandatory second semester allows for more room to explore independent photographic solutions. The content of the second semester aligns with the traditional fields of photography. Of course, the program keeps pace with ongoing developments in photographic technology. The final LIK Academy for Photography and Design examination and the professional portfolio created serve as the basis for assessing your performance and awarding the photography diploma.
Digital photography goes hand in hand with the corresponding "development" of digital files. Achieving a perfect photo involves a combination of capturing the image, performing RAW development, retouching, and ensuring correct color output. The digital photo design course covers all the essential professional processes required for high-quality photo editing. Starting with an efficient workflow using professional tools like ADOBE Bridge, Lightroom, RAW converter, and Photoshop, you will learn all the secrets of rapid and truly high-quality image enhancement.
In the second semester, the curriculum delves into specialised areas such as beauty retouching, compositing, and the design of title covers.
The LIK Academy for Photography and Design is WienCert and Ö-Cert certified at all its locations.
A comprehensive Course in Digital Photography and Photo Editing
Photo Expert Diploma
Join our digital photography and photo editing course that's all about having fun with fellow creatives! You'll learn to take amazing photos, from cool street shots to beautiful portraits, to striking pictures of impressive buildings and products. We'll teach you cool photo tricks so you can impress your friends, no matter what camera you use.
Our program will take you through the entire photographic process, combining hands-on shooting with the magic of post-production. You'll master the art of telling visual stories and learn the secrets to polishing them to perfection with Adobe's powerful editing tools. It's a perfect blend of technique and artistry.
Our expert team at the LIK Academy for Photography and Design is here to help you. Check it out now and sign up for this comprehensive course in Vienna or Competa, or Online, available in March or September!
This training is flexible, offering weekend and weekday options. You get to choose your attendance schedule based on your needs. Opt for the approach that works best for you and focus on your success.
Target Audience: Enthusiastic hobbyists, aspiring professional photographers, and working photographers looking to systematize and expand their knowledge and skills.
Course Duration: 2 semesters / 6 days per semester.
Class Schedule: Weekday Group - 9 am to 13:00 pm, Weekend Group - 10 am to 14:00 pm.
Time Commitment for Digital Photography and Digital Photo Editing Course - 592 teaching units:
Mandatory Classes - 96 units
Image Reviews, Extra Classes - 88 units
Independent Projects, Practice, Homework - 320 units
Exam Preparation - 88 units
Course Objectives: A comprehens…
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Julia Trimmel
Tel: 06769691016
LIK Akademie Wien
Seidengasse 17
A - 1070
You should be highly committed to attending classes and solving independent tasks outside of the course hours. Basic camera and computer knowledge is required.
A comprehensive course that provides a complete photographic education rounded out with the mastery of photo editing. This all-encompassing program is crafted to guide you through the full spectrum of the photographic process.
Enthusiastic hobbyists, aspiring professional photographers, and working photographers looking to systematize and expand their knowledge and skills.
The course concludes with a theoretical examination and a project presentation. If you attend and successfully complete the course, you will receive a recognised LIK Academy diploma. Optional possibility of ISO 17024 certification.
€ 980
980,- / semester
980,- / semester
Dina Lee
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