Network Administrator - The course will be held in English
Institut: WIFI SteiermarkBereich: Technik, EDV, Telekommunikation
This course enables you to work as a junior network administrator and helps you to quickly identify and troubleshoot common errors in small and mid-size IT environments. Your in-depth background knowledge of the technologies in use allows you to contribute to planning efforts and precisely describe problems that need the attention of external service providers or another department. The 5-module course focuses on the administration of small to mid-size Windows networks and will also prepare you to work as a junior member in the IT department of a larger company. The WIFI Network Administrator’s most distinctive feature is its all-out orientation towards hands-on exercise and best practices that are accepted throughout the IT industry. This will enable you to stay on top of things and ensure that your network configuration will be able to quickly adopt new technologies.After course participation and taking and passing the WIFI Network Administrator exam, you will receive the WIFI Network Administrator certification.The course fee includes one exam attempt.Module 1: Networking Basics, 24 hrsThe first module familiarizes participants with the functionality of a modern network. Focus topics are Ethernet standards and cabling, switching technologies and TCP/IP. After completing this module, you will be able to connect devices to a network and complete their TCP/IP configuration. You will acquire the necessary skills to perform error analysis and troubleshoot network-related errors.Module 2: Client Operating System, 24 hrsThis module focuses on the installation and management of the current Windows-Client operating system. You will also acquire the skills to identify and solve common problems in order to optimally support the end-users of your network.Module 3: Server Operating System, 32 hrsThis module familiarizes participants with the setup and management of the current Windows client operating system. The focus lies on the management paradigms applicable for small and mid-size environments (approx.. 10-120 client PCs). The core topics are Active Directory, File and Print Services and central management using Group Policies.Module 4: Internet Access, 24 hrsThis module enables participants to choose a suitable Internet access technology for a small to mid-size enterprise and to securely connect internal PCs to the Internet. You will gain insights into the most common threats for computer networks and discuss typical counter-measures, including operating system integrated technologies like Windows Firewall or Windows Defender. You will also be introduced to remote working and maintenance technologies like VPN.Module 5: Workshop, 8 hrsThis short module gives you a chance to independently set up a network infrastructure from scratch based on a scenario. This will not only consolidate your knowledge but will also give you a chance to personally discuss topics that you might feel need some clarification.This training course prepares participants for attendance of the intermediate-level WIFI System Administrator course or a Microsoft® MCSA certification course.
This course enables you to work as a junior network administrator and helps you to quickly identify and troubleshoot common errors in small and mid-size IT environments. Your in-depth background knowledge of the technologies in use allows you to contribute to planning efforts and precisely describe problems that need the attention of external service providers or another department. The 5-module course focuses on the administration of small to mid-size Windows networks and will also prepare you to work as a junior member in the IT department of a larger company. The WIFI Network Administrator’s most distinctive feature is its all-out orientation towards hands-on exercise and best practices that are accepted throughout the IT industry. This will enable you to stay on top of things and ensure that your network configuration will be able to quickly adopt new technologies.After course participation and taking and passing the WIFI Network Administrator exam, you will receive the WIFI Network Administrator certification.The course fee includes one exam attempt.Module 1: Networking Basics, 24 hrsThe first module familiarizes participants with the functionality of a modern network. Focus topics are Ethernet standards and cabling, switching technologies and TCP/IP. After completing this module, you will be able to connect devices to a network and complete their TCP/IP configuration. You will acquire the necessary skills to perform error analysis and troubleshoot network-related errors.Module 2: Client Operating System, 24 hrsThis module focuses on the installation and management of the current Windows-Client operating system. You will also acquire the skills to identify and solve common problems in order to optimally support the end-users of your network.Module 3: Server Oper…
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WIFI Steiermark
Körblergasse 111-113
8010 Graz
Körblergasse 111-113
8010 Graz
WIFI Steiermark
Körblergasse 111-113
DI Dr. Christian Ceolotto
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Computer Club
Staplerführer:in - (gemäß § 6 Z 2 FK-V)
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Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies
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Implementing CISCO MPLS